
Our logistics team will work closely with you, your vendors, and the shipping companies, to track your material from the warehouse to jobsite to ensure material accountability. We will receive, inventory, and store every 

1. Know what materials and supplies you have on the job site.

Inventory is a living breathing thing that keeps your company alive. Knowing what was ordered, shipped, received and securely stored promotes job security, and saves time and money. Lost, undelivered or broken material costs your company money if not properly tracked. Trexxler provides the piece of mind that everything you’ve ordered you will receive.

2. Easily keep tabs on material across multiple job sites and storage locations.

Each project presents its own challenges. Trexxler will conduct a serialized inventory and count so each project manager and team know exactly what they have onsite and where it is located. Trexxler has the ability to conduct pre and post-project deployment inventories so your company knows exactly what tools and materials were present at the start of the project and what is present the day the project is complete.

3. Reduce inventory errors. 

IT HAPPENS!  IT, is defined as the act of losing or misplacing material that was there, supposed to be there, or was told was there but never really was there.  No one can predict “IT”.   Lost or misplaced material usually happens because we’re rushed, distracted, appoint someone with little interest in accountability, or maybe someone who’s a little confused. Trexxler provides the peace of mind your project manager and team that everything that is needed is there and in perfect working condition.

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